
Maniototo NZ

Clark here! Join me on my adventure to explore Maniototo by 4x4, follow

me as I share my experience and passion for 4WD

There comes a time in everyone's life where big decisions have to be made. I've lived in Auckland most of my life and I never thought there would be a day that I would have to say goodbye to where I grew up. Auckland was a magical place, I have so many fond memories growing up here and they would always hold a special place in my heart.

After the passing of my father I came to the realization that I should be living my life on my own terms, life is too short to be doing things you don't enjoy and you'll never know when your time is up. I decided to follow my passion in 4WD and see where it takes me, I was sick and tired of being in an office confined by the walls that caused a separation between my being and the natural landscape that is beyond.

Ranfurly is to become my base and Maniototo was my destination, all I had to do was move out of Auckland and head South and make my way and that is what I have chosen. Let me tell you, that after living in Auckland for so long, it is astonishing the amount of contents you accumulate without even knowing. I had so much things that I didn't know I had, items that I've never even used and furniture that I didn't need.

You know the most difficult part about relocating from Auckland was going through everything you own and making the decision on whats going with you and what you have to leave behind. That's probably the one thing that puts most people off about moving house. I had to sell things, donate things and dispose of things; how someone had accumulated so much over the years I could not tell you. Surprisingly, googling house movers Auckland was an easier process which brought me to a New Zealand website that helped compare house movers, all I had to do was fill in my inventory and I received 4 moving quotes from separate moving companies which was really handy. If only it was just as easy finding a place that will take my e-waste, I never seem to know where to dispose of old computer equipment.

I'm so excited about this move and it has been a long time coming, I hope to update you all soon but in the mean time, stay safe and be good!